Thursday, 2 August 2012

Dream Set!

I'm delighted to announce that I just accepted an offer from Dream Set. Am mad with joy.


  1. Congratulations!

  2. Well done Mini, stoked for you :D

  3. Tell us who pupillage pages are

  4. Wow well done! I have been following your blog with my fingers crossed. Next year for me :)

  5. Fantastic! Very well done! :-)

  6. Onthepupillagehunt23 August 2012 at 13:50

    I just wanted to say congrats! I thought I'd look on here to see if you had received an offer (having followed your blog with interest over the summer) and I see that you have! Great news. I was wondering your thoughts on the magic 3? I'll explain. Basically, it seems to me that, often (and myself this year included), if you have 3 final round interviews, you are likely to get (at least) one offer. This is not set in stone (and I know someone who had 3 final rounds and didn't get an offer which was thoroughly deserved) but I do find it interesting when trying to mark some sort of trend in this whole process. Your thoughts?
